According to Goodreads (and my own records), I read 30 books in 2024. My Goodreads stats: Average rating I gave: 2.8* Most shelved book I read: People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry Least shelved book I read: Isle of Beasts and Shadows by McCayleigh Daniels *A # out of 5 might seem a…
Author: Amanda
Prewriting: What It Is (and How the Hell Do I Stop Doing It??)
Prewriting is that wonderful part of the writing process where you begin to flesh out that larval idea. Everything is new and full of promise and options and rainbows and sparkles and all good things. Alas, I can confirm from personal experience that prewriting is REALLY hard to get out of. At least, it’s hard…
12 Interesting Literary Devices, Techniques, and Tropes You’ve Probably Seen but Don’t Know the Actual Term For
I’m always running across things that make my brain go POP – zeugmas, anyone? (You can find that definition in the list!) Like me, you’ve probably encountered these things, but you didn’t know the term. One of the most famous is Chekov’s Gun, a literary device that I am not including in this list as…
My Reading: 2023 in Review
Sorry this is so late, but I’m back again with another year in review of all the awesome books I read! And all the not-so-awesome books I read! Yay! According to Goodreads (and my own records), I read 30 books in 2023. (This is a lower number than I anticipated because I dedicated two whole…
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Word Crawl!
We are blazing through National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)! Unfortunately, I am NOT blazing through my actual manuscript and am, in fact, about 20,000 words away from par. Word crawls are pretty helpful tools to boost word count, so I decided to procrastinate on my novel writing and write a word crawl instead! (Hmm, should…